Spaghetti Supper & Silent Auction
October 12, 2024 5:00pm
Spaghetti Supper & Silent Auction
This year’s Spaghetti Supper & Silent Auction will be held Saturday, October 12 at 5pm.
**All proceeds will go to St. George's Outreach Ministry**
Tickets will go on Sale September 15 in the Welcome Lounge, following the 9am & 11am services on Sundays. Be sure to buy your tickets early, we sold out last year!
Ticket prices are: Children - $5, Adults - $15. There is a family max price (all persons under one roof) of $35.
How can you get involved in making the Spaghetti Supper a success?
1) Buy a ticket to the event and enjoy this time of fellowship with your church family!
2) Sign-up to volunteer! There will be a sign-up board in the Welcome Lounge starting September 15.
3) Bring in a donation! Donations will be collected on Sundays, beginning September 15. We are in need of the following:
- Wine—to sell by the glass during the Supper as well as for the wine auction.
- Pasta and Sauce—to be used as decorations during the Spaghetti Supper. These items will then be donated to a local food pantry after the event has concluded.
- Silent Auction items— auction items are donated by parishioners and local merchants. Donations are tax-deductible. Please check out the Welcome Lounge for an explanatory letter for businesses that donate. Local business are often willing to donate an item or a gift card, so don’t hesitate to ask when you are out and about!
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Rice at