Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts - Acts 2:46

We have an excellent Fellowship Team at St. George's and they would love to welcome YOU to any of these gatherings.  Also, if you'd ever like to volunteer with any of these events, email our parish administrator, 

Fellowship Time following Sundays Services 


On Sundays we gather following both the 9am and 11am services for fellowship (aka "Coffee Hour," although its hardly an hour). There's coffee and light refreshments -- think cookies or doughnut holes. Folks from across the parish, including kids, love reconnecting with each other; sometimes its fairly lively.  Both fellowship opportunities are held in the Welcome Lounge. Each one of these gatherings is hosted by a member of the parish.

The post-9am service gathering is roughly from 9:45 to a little after 10am. From September to May, folks then make their way to one of our education opportunities -- Godly Play for age 3 to 2nd Grade / What's up for Grades 3-5 / Youth Bible Study Grades 6-12 / Rector's Bible Study.

The post-11am service gathering lasts from about Noon to 12:30.  

There's a sign up board to assist / host these gatherings in the Welcome Lounge.

Second Sunday Supper

We have a potluck supper together on the second Sunday of the month at 6:00 pm in the parish hall. People of all ages, including kids, are present and welcome.  *Please monitor the Messenger Update -- on occasion these are suspended because of another fellowship event that particular month (i.e. the Easter Brunch on Easter Sunday) -- or call the church office to check on its status.

Monthly Pub Fellowship


Once a month on the third Thursday we gather for a relaxed time of fellowship at a local craft brewery. We meet from 4pm to 6pm, but it is a "come when you can leave when you need to" setting. Check the homepage or call the office to confirm its status. We meet at Eudora Brewing, located at

Home Groups

St. George's has a number of home groups who gather on a regular basis for fellowship in each other's homes. If you'd like to learn more please email .

We also have dinner groups who meet about once a month for a few months at a time in the fall and then again in the spring. There are two types: dining out groups and dining in homes groups. These dinner groups do require signing up, which is done in the Welcome Lounge in August for the fall season and in January for the spring season. These dinner groups are a great way to get to know new people at the church.

Seasonal Special Events: Winter Wine-Tasting, Easter Brunch, St. George's Day


In addition to our regularly occurring social events, our Fellowship Team puts on a number of special events throughout the year. This includes a Winter Wine tasting (adults 21+ only), a parish-wide brunch on Easter Sunday at 10am in the Undercroft, a summer Grill & Chill on the east patio, and an Epiphany Brunch held in early January to mark our winter startup Sunday. We also have special events and gatherings to celebrate our patron saint, St. George, whose feast day is on April 23rd.

Annual Spaghetti Supper 

Every year for the last 45 years St. George's has hosted a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction which raises funds for outreach ministries. This is a long-standing and much-loved parish event, held in mid-October. It is also the largest single event our parish does each year. There are games for kids, wine-by-the-glass, great food, and lots of family-friendly fun. Tickets go on sale in mid-September, and many, many volunteers are needed to make this special event happen.