Life Events


Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church. As Anglicans, we baptize those persons who can profess their faith as well as the infant children of baptized parents. The sacrament of Baptism is a gift from God, not our accomplishment. Holy Baptism is normally celebrated at St. George's Church on five Sundays throughout the year: the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (early January), the Easter Vigil (March or April), the Feast of Pentecost (early June), the Feast of the Transfiguration (mid-August), and the Feast of All Saints (early November). Candidates and/or parents of candidates usually undertake pre-baptismal preparation sessions. Please contact the rector, the Rev. Ben Phillips, to learn more. You're welcome to check out the service of Baptism in the Book of Common Prayer starting on page 298.


Baptism is a gift from God, welcoming us fully into the life of the church. Confirmation is a pastoral office which allows a baptized Christian to make a mature public affirmation of faith and commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by a bishop. At St. George's, we welcome both High School youth and adults to enter a confirmation preparation process that usually lasts just under a year. It involves both reading a workbook which covers doctrine and visiting all the major areas of our common life. We firmly believe that mature Christian discipleship has a visible form involving regular participation in worship, Christian education, fellowship events, and service opportunities. Confirmation itself happens when our bishop visits; this happens usually every other calendar year. Contact the rector, the Rev. Ben Phillips, for more information. You're welcome to check out the service of confirmation in the Book of Common Prayer on page 412.


According to the Book of Common Prayer, Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between a man and a woman in the presence of God. We expect that both parties will have been baptized; that the ceremony be attested by at least two witnesses; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State and the canons of this Church. Weddings at St. George's Church are always subject to the discretion of the rector. All wedding services follow the liturgy provided in the Book of Common Prayer. Couples seeking marriage will also be asked to undergo pre-marital counseling sessions. Please contact the rector, the Rev. Ben Phillips, for more information. 

Click here for our Wedding customary (planning guiDe)


Christians are a people of resurrection hope; at the center of our faith is the risen Jesus. Therefore, we weep, mourn, pray, and rejoice together. The death of a member of the church should be reported as soon as possible to the rector. Funeral services follow the liturgy provided in the Book of Common Prayer. We strongly encourage funeral pre-planning and our clergy are ready to help you with that. Please contact the rector, the Rev. Ben Phillips, for more information.

Click here for our Funeral Customary (planning guide)

Pastoral Care

The Church of Jesus Christ is the household of God, a family which cares for one another in good times and in hard times. Our clergy and lay ministers are eager to offer a variety of ministries including but not limited to visiting and praying with the sick and dying, providing Holy Communion to those who are unable to be with us in worship, laying on hands and anointing, pastoral guidance, the pastoral office of reconciliation (confession) as found in the Book of Common Prayer, and in some cases food assistance. Please contact the rector, the Rev. Ben Phillips, or Julie Shuman, for more information. We especially invite you to contact us if you or a family member has been admitted to the hospital.