Second Sunday Supper & Organ Concert

February 18, 2024 5:15pm

February 18 at 5:00pm please join us for a potluck dinner and fellowship in the Undercroft. We hope that you can come whether you're able to bring a dish or not!!

Following supper on February 18 at 6:15pm there will be an organ concert featuring organist Cara Greelings. A little bit more about Cara:

Cara Fuller Geerlings currently serves as Director of Music for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Dayton.  An Illinois native, Cara earned a bachelor’s degree in vocal music education from Augustana College, Rock Island, IL.  She went on to earn two masters degrees from the University of Kansas; one in music education and one in church music.  Prior to moving to Ohio, she raised her two daughters in Sioux City, Iowa, where she worked as an elementary school music teacher for the Sioux City Community School District and as organist for St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Sioux City. She is grateful and thrilled to be able to present a concert on the beautiful Fisk organ at St. George's, having played many mechanical-action organs in her college and graduate school days. She wishes to humbly thank you for extending this invitation.

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