What is “stewardship”? Stewardship means how we intentionally use and care for the resources (time, talent, treasure) God generously gave us in the first place. Practicing good stewardship is a year-round and lifelong endeavor. However, every Fall we spend time thinking and praying about our stewardship as individuals and as a church and then we invite folks to fill out a pledge card for the coming year. We’re a church with a rich range of ministries, programs, and ways to connect with one another and God. And to succeed in this mission, your financial support is critical.
What is "pledging"? A pledge is simply informing the church what you intend to give in the next year. Filling out a pledge card enables the vestry (the church's elected lay leadership body) to set a budget which pays for our clergy & staff, maintains our building, and develops programs & ministries that bless us and our surrounding communities.
What is "giving"? Giving means the actual contribution (whether you give online, in the offering plate, or through the mail).
**Filling out a pledge card simply means you intend to give; it is not an automatic bank transfer. And, likewise, if you give online but don't fill out a pledge card, we don't know your intentions for further giving (and therefore can't make an accurate budget).
Therefore we encourage people to fill out a pledge card and then give accordingly.
Click HERE to fill out your 2025 Pledge Card.
** Please note: You will receive a confirmation email once the Business Manager has recorded the pledge. This may be up to 5 days after you have pledged.**
Capital Campaign
Our Capital Capital Campaign Committee provided materials for the Spring of 2025. These materials were presented at the Epiphany Brunch on Sunday, January 12, please click on the links below:
Questions, input, or concerns about the Capital Campaign should be directed to Bryan Daly, the chair of the Capital Campaign. To reach Bryan please contact the church office.