baptized, you are welcome to cross your arms for a blessing.
receiving your wafer.
a lay minister with a small intinction cup will see and come to you.
pew after receiving your wafer.
St. George's has two parking lots, an upper and lower. All traffic enters the upper lot and exits from the lower lot. Entrance to the upper lot is from Manor Lane off of Far Hills Avenue (there's a sign at Manor Lane and Far Hills to point you in the right direction). If the upper lot is full you can follow the driveway around the building and down to the lower lot. If you enter the building from the lower lot you will need to go upstairs one level to the Sanctuary or use the Elevator and go to level 'S'.
Our building is fully handicapped accessible. To make use of handicapped parking please use the upper lot or the designated parking spaces on the driveway that connects the upper lot to the lower lot. If you park on the driveway please enter the building using the double red doors and continue straight ahead to the elevator on the right. Select "S" for the Sanctuary level. An ADA restroom is located on the lower level by the east stairs.
All our services are family-friendly and you will find kids at all of them. We've also got a professionally-staffed nursery for infants to age 3. It's located on the lower level and is available between 9am and Noon. Please be sure to provide a cell phone number so we can contact you if needed. If you're child would rather stay with you through the whole service, that's absolutely fine too! There are "busy bags" for kids (crayons and coloring books) by the entry doors which the ushers can help with. If you've got a little one who neeeds a wiggle break or a fussy infant, you're certainly welcome to step into our narthex (entry way) where you can still see the service through the glass wall and hear the service via the audio speakers. Whatever you choose for your kids, we're blessed you are with us! Please also know that we have education for all ages at 10am (see above for details).
An usher will be glad to give you a service bulletin and help you find a pew. Our worship services follow a traditional format, sometimes called a "liturgical" type of worship, in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Our service leaflets have most everything you'll need, but you can find a copy of the BCP in the pew shelf in front of you - it's the red book with gold cross on front. Most of our worship songs and hymns are found in the blue hymnal in the pew shelf; the page numbers for the songs are found in the bulletin and on the song boards at the front. You may wonder when to stand or kneel. Above all, please don't worry; we're glad you're with us! Practices vary even among individual Episcopalians. The general rule is: stand to sing, kneel to pray, and sit to listen. We stand also to say our affirmation of faith, the Nicene Creed, and for the reading of the Gospel. We sit during other scripture readings, the sermon, and the choir anthems. We hope you will find the services of the Episcopal Church Christ-centered, beautiful in their ordered dignity, and mindful of the needs of the individual.
We have Holy Communion at all Sunday services. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion at St. George's. At the 9am service Holy Communion is received standing. You will walk down the center aisle, and when it is your turn walk up to the clergy and simply hold your hands out to receive a wafer of bread. At the 11am service Holy Communion is received kneeling at the altar railing. If you are not able to or are uncomfortable kneeling they you are welcome to stand at the railing to receive. Additional instructions can be found in the service bulletin when you are here.
If you need a gluten-free wafer, please simply tell the clergy when you are receiving.
If you have not been baptized, you're still welcome to come forward for a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest to let the priest know that you'd prefer a blessing. If you would like to be baptized please speak to one of our clergy and we'll be glad to talk with you!
In celebration of the Rector's tenth anniversary at St. George's, here is the very first sermon preached here by the Rev. Ben Phillips. It was given on Sunday, August 8th, 2010, on his first Sunday. It is on Hebrews 11, the great chapter on...
All worship services at St. George's Church are family friendly and children regularly attend all three services. We also offer a professionally-staffed nursery from 9am to Noon for infants to age 3. Even though we've got a great nursery, you are always welcome to have your child with you! We love having kids in our worship services -- we feel its vital for a child's development as a Christian to feel like she or he is part of worship, not an "interloper" in the thing adults do. Our 9am service lasts about 45 minutes and our 11am service lasts about one hour. There are usually kids are usually at both services; please know they are welcome at either one!
But what if my kid is getting squirmy? Here are two suggestions. First, families are welcome to use our "busy bags" found in baskets near the baptismal font (feel free to ask an usher). Second, if your little one needs a breather, it's easy to step into the narthex (the entry area). The wall between the narthex and the church is glass and the sound comes through speakers, so it's sort of like you've not left worship. Above all, know that you and your children are welcome here!
And don't forget, we've got Education for All Ages at 10am. Godly Play for pre-K to Grade 2 is located in the lower-level along the main hallway. "What's Up" for kids grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th is held in the lower-level education wing.
For any questions about Children's Ministry please contact the Rev. Dr. Cal Lane