Fall Project Day

November 9, 2024 9:00am

Fall Project Day

Our annual Parish Fall Projects Day will be Saturday, Nov. 9 from 9:00am - noon. Many hands make light work, so please reserve that day for fun and camaraderie while accomplishing several project around the campus. St George's grounds have been improving thanks to our dedicated Garden-Keepers and periodic project days to help with the more physically demanding tasks. Plans are being developed that will:

  • Prune out-of-control Forsythia along Manor Lane.
  • Freshly cut emerging Honeysuckle and immediately coat with herbicide along north parking lot and north rectory boundary.
  • Remove overgrown vines near education entrance and replace with good soil.
  • Aesthetically balance the soil height on both sides of the chapel sidewalk.
  • Add soil to root-bound West Shade Garden along Far Hills to allow for bulb planting.
  • Remove debris generated by these projects.

Other projects could be added if additional needs are identified and we have the people to complete them. If you can help, please indicate on the sign-up sheet in the Welcome Lounge.  


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